San Francisco DA Recall Could - A Setback for Progressives

Jun 25, 2022

The first step to successfully implementing a district attorney recall is to get the support of the voters. While district attorneys normally serve four-year terms, there is a constitutional amendment that allows the public to recall them. To trigger the recall process, a petition must be delivered to the state's Board of Elections with the signatures of at least 20 percent of district attorney voters in the previous election.

The San Francisco DA recall is being called in large part on his pledge to reform the criminal justice system and reduce incarceration. However, his popularity has fallen due to the widespread allegations of corruption and a soft-on-crime stance. Viral videos of violent crimes in San Francisco have further fueled the perception of lawlessness in the city. Boudin's opponents argue that the reform-minded approach has gone too far.

San Franciscans are clearly in the mood for change. The recent recall of San Francisco's progressive district attorney Chesa Boudin could mark the end of the criminal justice reform movement. This is a major setback for progressives in California and elsewhere.

In the meantime, a second sweeping district attorney recall is underway in Los Angeles. In this case, voters will be deciding whether or not to remove George Gascon, who has served as district attorney for less than two years. If the recall were to succeed, Gascon will be a victim of a voter backlash, internal rebellion in the district attorneys association and law enforcement professionals.